Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tentative first steps

 That's right people, I have a blog.

I just caught the end of a documentary that said that despite the vast number of blogs out there in internet land, around 90% of them are not actually in use. Since I wasn't in as an earlier adopter, I'm going to buck the trend and jump on the train as it speeds towards its terminating stop.

Most people I know who have a blog have some kind of common theme that they shoot towards. I'm not that organised. This blog may go anywhere with little forward planning on my part. One post might be a spiel on governmental oversights when dealing with refugee populations, the next on why people think vampires are so sexy (that's right I know why), then jumping to something on reality television or why I secretly want to be C.J. Cregg or why insects aren't always bugs. Yep I have the attention span of a caffeine addled goldfish- continuity be damned!

However the next few months may carry something resembling continuity as I'll soon be travelling so a travel blog it will be. Stay tuned for tips on what every traveller needs, why hostels are the place to stay and cemeteries are the best places to sight see.

So denizens of blog land....them's the guidelines and I plan on sticking them.

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